'Award in Beer & Cellar Quality' Mock Exam
Welcome to Inn-Dispensable’s ‘Pub Beer & Cellar Quality’ mock exam.
This online test contains 12 multiple-choice questions which are representative of those which appear within the full BIIAB Level 2 pub cellar management exam – which we run as a one-day training course. If you would like to attend this particular course, or have any questions, please call our friendly office staff on 0800 074 1583 or click HERE for further details.
Testing yourself in this way before you attend our ABCQ cellar management course or online pub cellar course can be a great method for improving your knowledge and confidence. So why not add it to your browser’s favourites, and feel free to use this online tool as many times as you like.
You have 12 minutes to complete the following test. Best of Luck!
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